Children’s Day at the Polish Mother’s Hospital in Łódź

Dzień dziecka w Szpitalu Matki Polki_02

9 June was a very special day! At the invitation of the Shooting Club, we had the opportunity to take part in organising a beautiful day full of joy and smiles for the charges of the Polish Mother’s Hospital in Łódź.

Thanks to the generosity of local entrepreneurs, more than a hundred children were able to enjoy many attractions. The programme included educational games, bouncy castles, face painting workshops, jewellery making, playing with trained dogs and an exhibition of American cars. In addition, there were demonstrations from the National Fire Service and the SHBON re-enactment group, motorbike and car rides and a delicious barbecue and fruit.
Kraus Folie contributed to the event by donating gifts for the little wards. We prepared special gift packs for the children, and the Martel Foundation also made its contribution. Thanks to this, we could see the indescribable joy on the faces of the children and their parents. It was not only an extraordinary experience for us, but also a great satisfaction to see our joint efforts bring joy. Thanks to them, the children and their parents were able to get away from their daily difficulties and spend unforgettable moments full of smiles.
The commitment of the doctors and nurses who supported the initiative from the very beginning was also invaluable. Their heart and willingness made this event possible.
Initiatives like this show that companies can make a real difference to local communities by building positive relationships.
Children’s Day at the Polish Mother’s Hospital in Łódź was an unforgettable event organised by the Shooting Club and the Foundation of the Social Entrepreneurship Institute, which will long remain in the memories of the children, their parents and everyone involved. Thanks to the joint efforts of many people and companies, it was possible to create an atmosphere full of joy and carefreeness, which is priceless for the little patients and their families. The day brought a lot of happiness to all participants and left beautiful memories.

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