Workshops for children EKO-Bystrzak

During May and June, we carried out the Eko-Bystrzak campaign for kindergartners.
We visited 15 facilities and met more than 500 children! The main topic of the event was waste segregation. Our goal was to educate the kids from an early age about the impact of segregation on the environment.
The weather was even better than expected, so we carried out some of the meetings outside. It enabled us to catch the kindergarteners’ attention, so that they could focus on closeness with nature. We worked on observing and experiencing the nature.
The kids turned out to be very creative. They had the chance to develop their independence, artistic imagination and learned to create the pro-ecological attitude.
After each meeting we would plant a tree at the kindergarten’s site. For this purpose, we chose maples. To remember us well, each child was given a themed colouring book and coloured pencils.