‘Because Packaging and Our Planet Matter’ conference – The Future of Sustainable Packaging

I dzien Konferencji - Warsztaty Przeprowadzone przez Prezesa Marcina Kraus oraz Kierownika Działu Technologii Kamila Tobiasza

On 17-18 April 2024, the packaging industry from across Poland met for the ‘Because Packaging and Our Planet Matter’ conference on sustainability and packaging innovation. The event took place at the Żnin Sugar Factory and PDO headquarters in Janowiec Wielkopolski, bringing together leading experts and industry representatives.

The conference focused on global climate challenges and the ways in which the packaging sector can contribute to environmental protection. Speakers, including Dr Anna Kozera-Szałkowska from Plastics Europe, discussed new European Union directives aimed at achieving climate neutrality by 2050. Marcin Popkiewicz presented forecasts on the effects of climate change, and Jakub Fulara from PeKaO pointed out opportunities for green financing for companies.
Discussions focused on innovative solutions, such as chemical recycling and mono packaging, which support a closed loop economy. Experts from Pack4Food, Professors Peter Ragaert and An Vermeulen, also discussed the phenomenon of ‘greenwashing’ and the need for transparency in communicating green measures.
The conference was enriched by practical workshops, including those led by Marcin Kraus and Kamil Tobiasz, who demonstrated the use of recyclable films. The event concluded with a visit to the PDO plant, where modern environmentally friendly technologies were demonstrated.
The ‘Because Packaging and Our Planet Matter’ conference showed that the packaging industry is actively striving to implement solutions that contribute to the protection of the planet.

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